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 S & L Testing Services 

Where does the private sewer lateral program apply?

These requirements will affect properties in the EBMUD wastewater service area in Emeryville, Oakland, Piedmont, El Cerrito, Kensington, and the Richmond Annex. The cities of Alameda, Albany and Berkeley are managing their own private sewer lateral programs. Check with these cities for their specific PSL program requirements.

​Private Sewer Lateral Testing and Camera

Buying or selling a property,Building or remodeling

($100,000+) or requesting a change in your water meter size.

Then you may require an air or water verification test. Most east bay homes where built before 1950,and may have never had their original PSLs replaced.Over time, these pipelines (generally made of clay) can crack, become disjointed or displaced,can be subjected to intrusion by tree roots, causing leaks and blockages.Rainwater and groundwater can enter your sanitary sewer system through these lateral defects,potentially overloading the treatment system allowing sewage to overflow into the bay.

Troubleshooting leaks and clogs in sinks, toilets,faucets, bath tubs, sewer pipes

We can get you back to a happy flow and show you what is going on inside your pipes with our state of the art camera units and will burn you a DVD if need be.

​Who is reponsible for the PSL and how does the program work?

The property owner is responsible for the entire PSL from their home to the public sewer main. A property owner hires S & L Testing to assess the lateral condition (typically a video survey of the line), obtain permits from the City and perform required work. (if any)  Before completing the job, S & L Testing or property owner uses the online scheduling tool, enters either the address or parcel number and schedules an inspection for EBMUD to witness an air or water pressure test of the PSL. When the lateral passes the test, a Compliance Certificate is issued. In a property sale transaction, it is up to the buyer and seller to negotiate responsibility for obtaining the Compliance Certificate.

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